Dinner Time pays homage to Japanese City Pop on their new single 2:51 A.M.
Dinner Time - 2:51 A.M.
The final single before the release of DINNER TIME's sophomore LP "Halfway Down" sees the band slip into the aesthetic of 80's rock and popstars. "2:51 A.M." is also a thinly veiled love letter from the band to Japanese city pop - "we started listening to artists like Mariya Takeuchi, Taeko Onuki, YMO, and Cassiopeia a ton, and I wanted to make a song in that vein because we loved the music so much", singer Andrew Joyce explains. The catchy guitar lead provided by Alejandro Uribe serves as a fitting introduction to Joyce's crooning vocals, who spins a yarn of surreal loneliness following the end of a house party. "2:51 A.M." shows that the Atlanta-based 5-piece still has surprises up their sleeves for this album cycle. "Halfway Down" releases October 15, 2021, via The Record Machine.