Listen to the new Spooky Wilson EP “Keep Feeding Each Other”

“Latest track, "ho hey" mixes together catchy pop sensibilities with modern electronica and experimental sounds, making something that sounds utterly unique. It makes for addictive listening as well, and we really can’t wait to hear more from this group." - York Calling.

"Completely Addictive." - Sound Sniffer

Spooky Wilson’s bedroom pop songs take you on a trip through the difficult journey of starting over. Like any metamorphosis, the unknown can be painful, but it can also be cleansing.

His debut EP “Keep Feeding Each Other” results from a year of writing in bedrooms, at work, and on the subway; Spooky brought his demos to Jay Rothman at Mirrortone Studios in New York. Through hours of experimentation, Spooky and Jay combined, unlike genres into a unique blend of modern and traditional.

The lead single “ho hey” begins with a simple poem lamenting love, loss, and the chasm caused by change. Slowly, the heat rises as we confront our hurt with the people we love. Like tears ripped from unwilling eyes, the chorus bursts open with bells, yells, fireworks, and cymbals crashing over a choir of 40 vocal tracks, each with a singular demand: “I want to talk about it.” As we flow into the bridge, a grand piano tinkles over 808 basses and trap triplets, a musical testament to the promise that beauty exists in all things, even the darkness.


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